Picture: scoreboard of Tuesday Men Opening Scramble.
The rains were expected to start falling around three this afternoon; then around six this evening. Sometime a little after eight, the last foursome finished up and we were able to post the winners of our first opening day scramble without a drop of rain coming down on our heads. Give thanks to the wayward winds with their little nudge pushing the storms just west and north of us.
For the record, here are the winners of the scramble and the sharpshooters who got themselves a hole prize:
-low gross: the team of Mark Jeffers and Tim Voegerl turned in a score of 30 with Tim running in the longest putt on one and Short running in an even longer one on nine. Five other teams posted scores of 31.
-low net: new players in the Tuesday Men's League, Mark Sherer and Josh Huff turned in a score of 31 which translated into a net of 26.66. Two teams, the Denson/Holland team and the Jeffers/Voegerl team, tied for second in net with scores of 28.
-Hole Prizes:
--Longest putt on #1: Tim Voegerl
--Closest to the pin #3: Mike Kidwell
--Closest to the pin #7: Dean Winkler
--Closest to the pin #9: Curt Johnson
Congratulations to all the winners and to all the players who braved the 'possibility' of rain and came out and played just for the heck of it. Next week, regular season gets underway.