-Sony Open gets underway in Hawaii later today. Too bad Michelle Wie isn't a participant this year. Expect nobody even considered giving her a call. Probably couldn't make it anyway, what with schoolwork and other things going on in her life right now.
-about.com wants your opinion on tv officiating in the world of golf. Mine: No tv officiating; leave that to the players and the officials on site.
-Too bad about #1 Duke losing to unranked Florida State last night. Yea, right...
-The weekend NFL playoffs: Want the Seattle Seahawks to win what with their most unlikely victory last weekend. A 7-9 regular season team moving on? Heck, don't particularly like Pete Carroll for all those bad things he did to the Irish while at USC, but for now count me in as being in his corner.
-Gotta get outta here. Heading east towards Bedford to see the dentist in a little bit.