Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Daly/Harmon, Lakeview Greens, Soggy Grounds, Light

The Larger World:

-Brent Kelly at links to this story: Harmon dumps Daly cause he would rather drink that make golf his number one priority in life. Me thinks the two never should have even thought about working together. Don't think I would work well with Harmon either - there really is more to life than golf, than work, than any one thing.

At Lakeview:

-Eric expects to have the greens mower back in operation today and the greens cut for the first time this year. They are a little fuzzy from the long winter but not all that bad - you have to be aggressive with the fuzz; finesse doesn't cut it...

-The grounds themselves continue to be pretty soggy - cart paths remain the rule of the day for cart riders. Expect today's sunshine and higher temperatures will help a lot.

-Short J. and Dave W. came out way after five last night and I joined them for a quick nine holes. We were all surprised at how much light still remained when we finished at 6:50. And it's early March! Me thinks golfers are going to love these new times of ours and the extended daylight.