Monday, January 25, 2010

Bits and Pieces for a Monday Morning

Photo: Saturday golfers: Bill Brinegar, Chuck Baker and Lee Wade with Brian Brinegar off to the side. Both Bill and Brian made lengthy putts while I visited with them.

-Colts and Saints win in a couple of humdingers. Jets took it to the Colts early but withered once Payton Manning figured out what they were doing - took all of two sets during the first quarter. Saints got hammered by the Vikings but also made them give up the ball five times - all crucial in their overtime win. Of note: Favre did not get the ball in the extra period as the Saints won the coin toss and marched down the field for the game winning 40 yard field goal. Vikings much the better looking team except for that one little hold-on-to-the-ball issue.

-My prognostications were again right on, 2-0 for the weekend and now 7-3 for the playoffs. My prediction for the Super Bowl: Colts win easily what with a defense that is just as good as the sterling offense.

-And, Polian and Caldwell, we have not forgotten or forgiven the resting of the players and the tossing of the perfect season. Colts should be 18 and 0 right now.

-Did play eighteen holes yesterday along with Dave W., Doug D. and Short J. Doug and Short wanted to even up the 6-6-6 weekend game but ended up losing the scramble and the alternate shot - Dave and I reversed the last hole tribulations of Saturday by claiming victories on the final holes on Sunday. Short pretty much prevented a clean sweep by making birdies on the first two holes of the best ball. Darn.

-Greg Potts was out on the putting green Saturday afternoon working with his new putter and his stance which is all catywhumpus but one that works more often than not. He's not willing to discard something that is effective for something that looks good. Have to agree with him there.

-Enjoyed the chance to play golf in the middle of January and am finding that my body is not screaming at me. That's a big relief.
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