Monday, December 28, 2009

Bits and Pieces for a Monday Morning

-Colts lose; boos heard in Lucas Stadium and around Colt country.  Rightly so, me thinks.  I booed the decision myself - I watched in Bloomington (with Miki, Kevin and Kevin's parents).  You play to win, period.  The Colts didn't.  Bob Kravitz at the Indy Star gives Colt management the what for.

-Urban Meyer flip-flops at Florida.  Makes sense for him to take a leave of absence, regain his health and then come back.  He's only 45 years old.

-Where is Tiger Woods?  This report shows him still in Florida.  Where's Elin?  And the kids?  Not a good Christmas for that family.

-Snow (just a dusting, really) and cold putting a stop to golfing in Lakeview country.  Best try out those new clubs in your basement or garage.