Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bits and Pieces for a Tuesday

- Guess Clausen and Tate aren't going to be at ND next year; they both declared for the NFL draft yesterday.  Dang.

- On Tiger's woes and the lesson to be learned by other golfers/athletes/men/women: Human nature is human nature and if you don't want people to realize that you are human, then you had better close yourself up in a black box somewhere and never do nothing.  Of course, you've got to realize that people are going to be talking about what you're doing in that black box all by yourself.

- On Tiger's choice of women: a little brassy for my taste but then that probably has more to do with the choice of photos than with the real people.  Editors are going to edit to enhance their story, right?  Push their point of view?

- Question:  Do you think it's easier for the rich and famous to be mortified than it is for the likes of us more common folk?

- Question 2: At what point does the public's disgust (?) with Tiger turn to disgust with the media for going on and on?

- Question: Can this marriage be saved?  Note: Bill and Hillary are still together...

- Think I'll go clear my head, do some exercises, have breakfast, bury myself in a work of fiction - this reality stuff's getting a bit heavy and, if you haven't noticed, it ain't all it's cracked up to be...