Sunday, September 7, 2008

Golfing tip for the day

Was watching a bit of the BMW Championship yesterday when the camera showed a head on shot of Tim Herron hitting an approach shot. I was struck by the almost locked position of his left arm and the following very straightness of that arm in his takeaway. Of course, he then hit the ball beautifully just as a lot of them were doing out there yesterday. But I did take that thought back to the golf course with me and made an effort to have a similar straightness in my own backswing. And, by golly, it made a difference with my ball striking sharper and the loft higher and the landing softer. Guess we get ourselves in a routine when playing golf and sometimes get a little lazy in the basics. So, a little piece of paper with the words "left arm straight" goes into the pocket as a reminder for my next outing. Got a bunch of those little slips of paper all over the place - just ask Diane.