Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bits and Pieces

-Hoosiers lose third straight, fall to Nebraska in Lincoln, 70-69.  Thirteen points ahead at one point.  Not good.  Come on , guys.

-Stephanie Wei reporting that Sandra Gal is prettier than Rickie Fowler.  Gotta agree with that (she's commenting on Golf Digest's Hottest Golfer article).  Another photo of bikini clad Sandra Gal at the Hooked on Golf blog.

-Travel day for me: early afternoon flight out of Indy, into Seattle (with all sorts of winter weather lasting through today) around 5:30.  See that they revised downward the next ten days here in southern Indiana.  Still not bad though with temps in the mid to upper 40's.

-Tomorrow, from Seattle, my predictions on the weekend games.