Friday, August 21, 2009

Bits and Pieces

-After yesterday's wrong prognostication on the weather - I declared the Senior League a rain event early because of the internet's imminent and dire warnings of a full day of stormy weather - several Senior League members have given me notice as a weather predictor. It wasn't all that long ago - several weeks - that I waited and waited and had everybody out there on a Thursday morning and then when the rains did not let up, called it a weather event. So, my pink slip is justly earned after these two miscalls. Yesterday turned out to be dry throughout the day and into the evening.

-Six of the fourteen teams did get their rounds in yesterday morning, and several more would have liked to but their opponents and/or partners had already gotten on with their day. Richard Swayze and I were among the ones that did play - against Mike Anderson and Al Kavanaugh - and got the bejeebers beat out of us (11-3). Should have waited...

-Mike Arvin wandered out for an evening stroll last night and wondered where the item was on the Wednesday night pickup skins and flags game between himself, Dave Wininger, Karry Stoll and me. He thought Karry had done a marvelous job at winning all the skins (five of them) with an eagle chip on #2 and then a par with a stroke on #5. Flags went to DW on #3 and myself on #7 and #9. And, yes, Karry did do a marvelous job - had his A game with him.

-Solheim Cup starts today at Sugar Grove, Illinois.