Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bits and Pieces

-Saturday Scramble at 9am.

-Saturday Swing Tip: Butch Harmon and swing to the finish -worth seeing - of course, you don't have to wait till the last hole of the day to start doing that.

-From Michelle Wie Central:

Don't Give Up On Wie!

There's this college kid. Highly touted golfer, has been ever since he was competing in professional events as a young teenager.

As bright as his future appears, it's nearly been eclipsed by the present. That's because while still taking a full course load at a prestigious undergraduate program, he's won two tournament titles at the game's most elite level and ascended to a spot amongst the top 20 golfers in the world.

It's something that none of the legends have accomplished. Jack Nicklaus wasn't winning pro events while attending Ohio State; Tiger Woods wasn't racking 'em up at Stanford.

So, what do you think? Pretty impressed by this hypothetical up-and-comer? Would you be ready to declare him the Next Big Thing in golf?

Well, good. Keep those thoughts in mind, because this scenario isn't hypothetical at all.

It's just that he is a she – and her name is Michelle Wie.

-See some of you in a little bit.