Monday, May 25, 2009

News Article for the Week

Note: Had to submit early because of the holiday thus no Saturday Scramble item.

Loogootee Tribune
article for the week of May 25

Senior League News

The Seniors had a lovely day for golf this past Thursday and the grounds even dried out some to provide a little additional roll of the golf ball. At the end of the day's play, Rex Hudson continued to sit on top of the Individual standings with Carroll Rayhill, Vic Wallace and Dick Barber close behind. The team competition also saw the same leaders at the top with both the Bird/Swayze team and the Wallace/McLaughlin team tied after beating their opponents for the day by scores of nine to five. Patty Bowling and super sub Jack Nickless shot the low net rounds at seven under par while Al Kavanaugh and Mike Bird tied for low gross at 39. Al Kavanaugh and Jack Nickless had the low net team score with a sterling 62. Sharpshooters included Patty Bowling, Pam Byron, Joe Gray and Jack Butcher.

Tuesday Men's League

The Tuesday golf league also had a lovely day to play. Team competition leaders at the end of the day's play were Doug Denson and Buck Holland with several teams nipping at their heels. Mike Kidwell and Joe Allen, Greg Potts and Tracy Rayhill, and Junior Byron and Kevin Byron were within seven points of the top spot. In the Individual standings, Tony Wease held on to his top position at 537 points with Mike Kidwell and Bric Parker in second and third place with 518 and 513 points. Low scores were carded by Trey Kidwell with a net 25, his best effort of the year; and Junior Byron with a gross 34, also his best of the year. Brent Courter and Larry Sutton turned in the low net team score with a splendid 62. Hole prize winners included Chris Bledsoe, Bill Carrico and Phil Eyler with long putts, and Buck Holland, Jeff Doyle and Terry Padgett with close to the pin shots. Of note: Three players had a birdie feast during their game: Weston Muessig, Mike Kidwell and Junior Byron each had three of them on the day. George Templin and Tyler Kidwell led in pars made with seven each.

Community League

League gets underway with the first week's play starting May 24th.