Friday, June 11, 2010

Bits and Pieces

-Lots of couples at the golf course yesterday, including Shirley and Short Jeffers who closed up shop for us.  Shirley also brought in some homemade brownies and reminded me that one was for Diane.  Just want Shirley to know that Diane was eating one of them thirty minutes later.  I waited for an hour - had some dinner first - but if I had known how good they were a little sooner - they were absolutely scrumptious! - Shirley was exactly right in reminding me about sharing.  Would have been tempted mightily to keep on going with the lot of them.  Yummy.  Thanks, Shirley.

-Other couples: Ken and Sharon Frye, Maggie and Ed Schnarr, Frank and Susan Fee, Junior and Pam Byron (sorta together), Jim and Leanne (golf babe) Love, and Walter and Mindy Henrichsen. 

-Morning scramble at 9am tomorrow - as usual.  Not so next week - Summerfest will be at Lakeview with an 18 hole scramble.  Got your team yet?

-The lady pros are playing just across the border over in Springfield, IL - State Farm ClassicMichelle Wie is loving the back nine and not loving the front nine through eleven holes of her second round.  Minus six on the back, plus two on the front.  She's seven back of the leader, M.J. Hur who's at minus eleven.

-My Golf Babe of the Day: Na Yeon Choi, another young South Korean who's playing well over in Springfield.  In fact, she just tied for the lead with M.J. Hur.

Tip of the Day: Be decisive (or, don't hesitate once you've made your swing decision).  Found myself short of my target three different times yesterday during league play because I let hesitation get in the way of my decision.  That would be a bit of lack of confidence in my swing decision and a resultant backing off and getting a 70% instead of the 100% desired result.  Fortunately, I was able to get up and down on two of those three shots, but it also left me chipping instead of putting, putting always being the more desired activity.  In short:  Once you make your decision, execute with full confidence and ban all thoughts to the contrary from your mind.