Monday, June 28, 2010

Community League Notes

Allen Yoder shot a net 31 in last week's play to tie Jason Graber for the championship of the Individual Handicapped Tournament.  The two of them shot 36 hole rounds of 15 under par to outdistance a group of three, Virgil Harper, Shirley Jeffers and Dale Yoder, who tied for third place at minus eight.  In regular season play, Allen Yoder and partner Dale Yoder took over the top spot in team competition and lead Jason Graber and Perry Yoder by 13 points and Jack Lents and Virgil Harper by 15 points.  Lucas Bird, who shot the low net round of the week with a 28, teamed up with his granddad, Mike Bird, to shoot the low net team round as well with a score of 62.  Jeremy Graber and Duane Wagler had the low gross rounds of the week, each firing 37's.  The group averaged 46.03 strokes for the week, up almost a stroke from the previous week.  The week, the Community League joins the other two Lakeview leagues in a mid season scramble, a two person, nine hole handicapped event.