Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday Men - Come on Down!

Neat things that could happen today:

-Terry Butcher and Doug Denson could fire a third straight round in the 32-33 range.

-Kevin Byron could shoot another net 26.

-Tracy and Cory Rayhill could shoot a pair of 35's for the second week in a row.

-Mark Potts could return to form and join Terry and Doug in that 32-33 range.  He and Dad, Greg, could shoot a gross 70 as a team.

-Mark Sherer and I could shoot a gross 70 as well.

-Hard working Tom McAtee could spend a third straight week on top of the individual standings.

-Phil Eyler and Doug Denson could get their handicaps down to the big Zero and join Terry Butcher and Mark Potts at that lofty plateau.

-John Drake could get another two hole prizes to repeat last week's claims at #7 and #9.

-A second golfer could get a complimentary cart card from Diane by getting birds on the first two holes.  Doug Denson was the first to get one by doing that last Tuesday.

-Somebody, anybody, could get a hole-in-one.

Note:  Watch out for weather today.  Looks like we are going to have stuff in the area.