Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bits and Pieces

-From Brent Kelley at Only five left handed golfers with more than one win on the PGA Tour.  Bubba Watson became the fifth this past weekend.  Can you name the other four (answers at the link)?  Three of the other four?  That so few left handers have been successful on the tour really surprises me.  Lets see about our own top twenty at Lakeview:  Short Jeffers and Cory Rayhill.  Not a lot.

-A second item from Brent's golf blog:  Tiger's former wife ahead of Halle Berry on's annual Top 99 Most Desirable Women.  I beg your pardon.  Need I say that I wasn't consulted on this?  Haven't looked to see who's #1 but being a married man, you know who's #1 in my book, right?  (Yes, Diane does read this blog, faithfully...)  Okay, going to go see who's first, probably don't even know her.  Blake Lively, a young lady who was #85 on the list last year.  And I don't have any idea who she is.

-Diane just poked her head into my space here and said she's having breakfast.  Guess I had better go join her, get away from all these other desirable women.  You do know what they say - a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.

-Stay warm.  Throw another log on the fire.  Practice your putting.