Monday, February 7, 2011

The Mike Bird Roll-Em-Straight-Down-The-Line Putting Aid

For those of us who have trouble repeating a good putter swing, let me suggest the Mike Bird Roll-Em-Straight-Down-The-Line Putting Aid. Easy to make, easy to use, easy to see why your putt is missing the intended target. It also shows how important it is to 'see' your target line - with this physical model, putting them down the line really is easy.

Stretch it out to 15 feet, place your ball on the floor under the string, putt down the line and into the cup. Repeat till you are bone tired. Easy as one, two, three, right? I would suggest you alternate using the line with not using the line just to see if you can repeat that swing you're tring to get down pat. And don't forget to lower the string when you take a break from your practice or else you'll find yourself dragging the fool thing all over the place.
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