Monday, February 14, 2011

Bits and Pieces

-From the girl who says "blogging is better in a bikini", the ten sexiest men in golf.  Before looking at her list, I half wondered if Tiger Woods would make anybody's list if one were put together.  More specifically, would he rank ahead of his ex on said list; you remember, Elin was listed as the 60th most desirable woman in the world in a recent poll by  Well, ask and you shall receive.  This bikinied lass ranks Tiger right up there at the top, the most sexiest man in golf, numero uno.  Go here to see the rest of the list.  Btw, I'm unaware of any such listing of Lakeview golfers, at least any published list.  Going to have to ask the women about that one of these days if you have any interest at all...

-At Lakeview Golf Course on Sunday: Brian Brinegar shot a front nine 35 and then really lit up the skies with a back nine 30 which included six birdies.  That's more than excellent on greens that have seen plenty of winter these last couple of months.

-Played a bit myself to close up the day, did stretch out, and do feel the effects of not playing for several months this morning.  Not all that bad though and will get to play some more today.

-From the Waggle Room: How would you play if you were paired with a Top Pro at a Pro-AM?  One of the respondents says the 'AM's' usually play a scramble so that sounds like great fun to me.  Expect after the first tee jitters, game would be just fine.  Still be star struck but that's why I would go.  Anybody out there who would like to join me in taking on Michelle Wie?  Three of us against one of her?

-Looks like the Girls Basketaball Regionals are set to kick off at 10am this Saturday here in Loogootee with the second game at 11:30.  Championship probably at 7:30. 

-The sky is lighting up in the east; getting on with the rest of the day.  Guess I'll go drag up the sun with a walk at the golf course.