Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bits and Pieces

-Bulldogs lose to Huskies.  Dang.  Yeah, after that closing three pointer of the first half and the opening three pointer of the second half, it was painful to watch.  Did win the Romper Stompers 'guess em' game and ending up ranked 1957th which is better than 94.28% of all the players; on the Women's side, where I picked the Irish to win it all, the stats are 99th and 96.90% with one game to go.  Little consolation.  Doubly important for the Irish to get the Women's title tonight.  Go Irish.  More on the Irish from the Indy Star here, and the South Bend Tribune here.  Ending thought on Butler:  Impressive two year run for the gold - they did good.

-Best finish up the basketball season so we can concentrate on golf.  Which reminds me:  Got a pretty important golf tournament coming up in a few days called the Masters.  Hope it's great weather and all the players are on their games.

-Out here at Lakeview, our own preseason scramble continues.  Looks like the weather is going to cooperate, at least on the temperature side.  Greater chance of more showers later in the week.  Get a hold of your partner and get on out there and get your nine holes in.  You just might end up doing a whole bunch better than you expect.

-Btw, if you are looking for a League partner, let me know and I can put you on the available-to-play list.  Get a call every now and then with local golfers looking to play in the leagues and needing a partner.

-Best get over to the golf course and see how all that rain made things green up.  Expect there are areas that could use some trimming.

p.s.  Love the fact that six different golfers could ascend to the #1 ranking in the world with a win at the Masters.  And that includes Tiger.  The story here from the bleacher report.