Friday, July 10, 2009

Thursday Golfing

Terry LaMar subbed for Wayne Pearly and shot two under his handicap to help Junior Byron stick it to Mike Bird and Richard Swayze in the Senior League yesterday. The trashing (11.5 to 2.5) also vaulted the Pearl/Byron team into first place.

Jack Lents, here seeming to pass the driver of choice to JD Faris, shot a 39 in league action and that got him the top position in the Individual standings in the Senior League, at least temporarily. Just like the Tuesday Men's League, lots of volitility at the top.

Sharon and Ken Frye were out for their Community League round. Here Ken watches as Sharon rolls a putt towards the cup at #9. Ken had just chipped in for a birdie and a round of 40.

Jim and Leanne (all smiles) Love got in an early evening round. Here Jim is taking a break from loading the clubs (not really) while Leanne is getting ready to pay the piper (really).
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