Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Leaguers - Last Chance For Glory!

Come on out and expect glory as we take on the final day of our season.  Got to settle the race for the top of the individual competition: Dick Lemmon is holding on with his fingernails to the top position but has Jack Butcher and Jack Lents on either side of him trying to make room for themselves on a very narrow ledge.  Dick has 685 points, Jack B. 684 and Jack L. 680.  Within shouting distance of those three are Dave Brown and Dick Barber, each with 654 points, and Mike McLaughlin with 651 points.  With 50 some points available today, think we can expect some fireworks.

Then there is the flighted tournament.  The last nine holes of thirty-six with Mike Bird, Frank Fee, Susan Fee, Denny Wagoner and Morris Cornelius holding onto leads that could disappear in the wink of an eye or the swoosh of a swing gone bad.  Of course, the contenders must take their chances to make up the difference if they hope to hold the gold at the end of the day.

We do have a pitch-in lunch at the conclusion of play.  Diane has some brats and burgers that Eric is going to cook up.  Know that we have some potato salad coming in from at least one source and maybe more.  And no doubt a variety of other goodies - am sure that you will get your fill.  Your task:  Pack your clubs and your food offering and come on out; play nine holes of golf and then share a meal with the rest of us.  Sound like a good way to spend part of your Thursday morning?

Btw, last chance for a second hole-in-one in league play at Lakeview this season.  Had one on Tuesday night so might as well get one today.  Any volunteers?