New box, old balls. I won a sleeve of golf balls with a close to the pin shot last Wednesday over at the Oaks. What I didn't know was that the new balls had been replaced with some 'experienced' balls. Earlier today, a confidential informant suggested I might want to examine my new sleeve of balls. I usually take them home and give them to Diane; but this time I kept them in the car and even considered using them last Saturday during the scramble. But I decided not to and the sleeve may have sat in the back of my car for the next several months but for the suggestion by that afternoon golfer. When Kevin Byron walked in a bit later in the afternoon and raised the same subject, I got the distinct feeling that the big switcheroo was a group effort. Hmmm. Rascally jesters.
A tow headed youngster stretching out before starting his round late this afternoon.
Curt Johnson and Bric Parker are signed up for the September Scramble and are the early favorites. They come in with a 7.67 handicap and each has been known to go low in their golf games. Tracy Rayhill joined them in a round of golf this evening (Oh - I just remembered I never gave Tracy the quarter he won with a skin on eight today. Tomorrow, Tracy.)
Duane Wagler, Dennis Knepp, Michael Graber, Adam Wagler and Rob Graber coming off of a disastrous performance at #7 today: two double bogeys, two bogeys, and a single par. The guy with the par was Dennis Knepp, in from San Diego where he is part of the Budweiser Clydedales Team that goes all over the west coast.