Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Tin Cup Challenge 2009

Found out that there is some interest in putting together a team to go up against a Washington Country Club bunch in the 2009 version of the Tin Cup Challenge. Sign up sheet is in the club house. So far: Bryant Trambaugh, George Templin, Ken Hudson, Jim Murphy (1st week only), and John Chapman. The first 18 holes is at the Washington Country Club on the 21st of September and includes the scramble and a best ball matches. The second 18 is at Lakeview on the 28th of September and has the alternate shot and the singles matches. Play starts at 9am each Monday and there will be a lunch following play. Entry fee is $5 along with green and cart fees (last year those were $15 or $16 at each location, less for members.) Let me know if you want to be on the Lakeview squad or stop in at the club house and sign up.