Monday, March 12, 2012

Lakeview Leagues 2012 Forming

It's time to get your golf clubs out of hibernation, shine them up, stretch out and get back to the golf course.  The Lakeview Leagues are just about to get underway for the 2012 season.  Two of the three leagues begin play with the two pre-season nine hole scrambles starting the week of April 1st and continuing during the week of April 8th.  The Tuesday Men's League and the Thursday Match Play League open play in earnest the week of April 15th, the T-Men on the 17th, the Match Players on the 19th (at 10am).  The Community League, with an expanded season that includes six additional playing dates, follows thirty days later with the same schedule: two preseason scrambles the first two weeks of May and then the season opener during the week of May 13th.  Detailed information about the leagues can be found at the Lakeview Golf Course website (  To register your team: call the clubhouse at 812-295-5678 or email