Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bits and Pieces: Tiger, Average Golfer Must Dos, Sept. Challenge, Thursday Game, Belen Mozo

-Tiger Woods tees it up again today out in San Martin, California (that's south of San Jose) at the Open and looks to get back on track with his golf career.  Guess we find out if his body, his mind and his game can all show up at the same place and work together to produce a win.  Looking forward to seeing him in action and not only a win but a huge win, like by 15 strokes.  He tees off just after three this afternoon our time.

-Speaking of average golfing, here's a list of ten things the average golfer must do.  You could probably come up with a pretty good list on your own by starting with a whole bunch of practice on your short game.  So, make your own list and then go see what this guy considers important.  If you are not an average golfer...

-Two more teams finished up their September Challenge: Chris Bledsoe and Lonnie Hawkins along with Dennis Brosmer and Tom Trambaugh.  Several more will finish this morning and at least one this afternoon (George Templin and Chad Wade are going out at three).  Updated results here.

-The Thursday Game starts at ten this morning.  Best Ball format.  Expect several September Challenge teams and maybe one, two or maybe even more teams just out for the Thursday Game.  The game is handicapped so if you're in the neighborhood, stop on in and get in on the fun.

-Another lovely day here in southern Indiana.  Make the most of it.

p.s.  LPGA has an event over in South Korea starting tomorrow.  But here's one of it's members, Belen Mozo, making a hit in the pages of espn's Body Issue.  Eye candy.