Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bits and Pieces

-Scramble at 2 this afternoon.

-Volleyball game at JBA at 11 this morning.  Go Hannah and all the Loogootee girls.  Take the semi-state!

-Cardinals win!  Improbable, glorious.  Expect Cardinal fans died several times over the course of the last thirty or so days.  And then a couple of more times Thursday night when the St. Louis team got down to a single pitch of do or die.  And they did.  Impressive.  Have to admit, I was pulling for the Rangers to get their first Series ring.  Oh well.  Maybe next year.  Any team ever lose it three years in a row?

-North Daviess Cougars beat Wood Memorial last night, 21-14.  Take on Linton next Friday for the sectional championship.  Linton walked all over them, 80-21 (?), during the regular season.

-Irish play Navy at 3:30 this afternoon.  They need to get their manhood back.

-From LInksLifeGolf, the Saturday Swing Tip: Coil for Power (video).  In brief: Coil, don't sway; keep that right knee pointing towards the ball.

-Diane is stirring in the kitchen.  Best go get something to eat, then go to the golf course, then down to the JBA.  See some of you at the game, some of you this afternoon at the scramble.