Friday, October 28, 2011

Bits and Pieces

-Saturday Scramble:  Start time 2pm.  Going to try something different what with the expected low temperatures tonight and the 11am volleyball game tomorrow.  You do remember that the Lions are playing at the JBA.  Up against 28 and 8 Hauser.  Go Lions! 

-Shiho Oyama beats Paula Creamer in the JLPGA Masters GC Ladies tournament.  Bangkokbobby has a video of the long putt by Oyama on the 18th hole to get her into a playoff with Creamer and then the three hole playoffs.  Good stuff.  Did notice that Creamer walks off the distance of her putt.  That's the second time I've seen that in recent days.  Think it was Dick Lemmon who did the same several days back when he and I were playing his son-in-law Karry Stoll and JD Simmons in a friendly 'old guys' vs 'young guys' scramble.

-Yes I did watch the ball game last night.  From the early fumble dance to the late heroics of the batters.  You did notice that the triple that tied the score in the bottom of the 9th should have been an out, right?  Impressive stuff by the hometown hero.  More good stuff tonight, I expect.

-Hoosier Jeff Overton has a share of the 36 hole lead at the CIMB Asia Pacific Classic over in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

-Local golf:  Not much the last two days.  Maybe a little more today with the sun expected out this afternoon.  And then maybe even more between volleyball games tomorrow afternoon.  Irish are playing Navy at 3:30 but the season's goal, a BCS bowl game, was scrapped with the loss to SC last Saturday evening.  There playing won't keep me from playing golf...

-Getting on with the rest of the day.  One last thing:  Blast from the past golf babe here.  That from New Media Man's Top 20 Female Athletes blog.  (How many would be on your list?)