Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bits and Pieces

-The other half of Mike Anderson's East-West Challenge takes place at Lakeview this morning.  You remember that we played the first half over at the Oaks last Tuesday with the East squad being pummalled by the West squad, 26-6 (scoring: 8 matches, game on each nine; one point for each game, one point for each nine hole low gross score).  Pay back time at Lakeview today.  Starts at nine o'clock with the first nine being a Best Ball game and the second nine a Scramble.

-A little birdie told me that the winning score at last Saturday's SM Scramble, the 28 posted by Mike Seals, Mike Arvin and Lee Wininger, included a chip in for eagle at #6 by Mike Seals.

-Three more teams played their Alternate Shot for the September Challenge last night: Wininger and Stoll, Jeffers and Arthur, Seals and Toy.  That makes four to date for the middle game in the three game event.  Will update the scoreboard after tonight's play.

-Hannah and Lion volleyball tonight.  Playing Washington.  Looking forward to it, or whatever part I can catch after closing up the gc.

Suggestion for the day: Go for it, whatever it is you are doing.  (Did you ever wonder what 'it' is?  A win, the gold or brass ring, the shining light, sweetness, good honest effort, commitment, wonder and joy?)