Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bits and Pieces

-Today at 11am, the majority of the Thursday Match Play League players will be going at each other in the make up of last Thursday's rained out event.  At least two teams are playing that event after tomorrow's event 3.

-Several Tuesday Men got in their rounds last night.  Mike Breeden and Bryant Trambaugh have been johnny-on-the-spot with their play, getting their rounds in at the appointed time each of the last three Tuesdays.  Jake Divine, Derek Gilbertson, Scott Arthur, Dave Wininger, Karry Stoll, Paul Hart, Kent Summers, Jon Boyd, Matt Burch, and Noah Callahan were also out there.

-Nice photo of Michelle Wie arriving at Incheon Airport.  She's growing into a beautiful woman.  She dresses up nicely.

-For baseball fans out there, the season's first no hitter was thrown just up the road in Chicago.  The Twins' Francisco Liriano stymied the White Sox in a game where the pitchers had the upper hand.  Final score: 1-0.

-Wrapped up yesterday by playing nine with Wayne Souerdike.  Had enough club on about half my approach shots and did a horrible job of getting up and down though was better at the end than in the beginning.  Need playing time.  Think Wayne would agree that our golf looked more like February golf than May golf.  But it was good to get back into the swing of things without rain falling down on our heads.  Grounds were soggy and there was about zero run on the ball in the fairways.  Greens were nice.  Play some more today, tomorrow, and then the next day.  Always helps, right?  Right.

-Tip for the day: Dress warmly, enjoy the company of your friends, hit the ball square.