Thursday, June 19, 2008

Senior League Photos

Jim Bateman, Bob Elliott and Jack Lents at #9 teeing area.

Wilma Bateman, covered against the bugs and looking like Little Red Riding Hood, along with Diane Bird scurrying off the course after finishing their nine.

Allen Swayze looking very pleased with himself after getting his first par of the year.

Morris Cornelius, Kenny Hudson and Tom McAtee at #2 tee box. Kenny was using Avon Skin So Soft to ward off the bugs and said it worked very well. (Note to self: call the Avon lady.)

Al Kavanaugh, Mike Anderson, Clyde Wake and Dave Strange on #9 green. Note the patient group up on the teeing area.

Charlie Sheetz used a head cover and a resolute look to deter the little nasties; Allen Swayze used the old shoo fly hand wave method. The two are seen in #5 fairway.

All the seniors came out to play and all of them stayed to the biting end. Perseverance matched only by that of Tiger's at the US Open. Congrats, guys and gals of the Fifty-Plus League - you continue to amaze.